More horrific cruelty uncovered

May 6, 2008 at 9:15 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Mercy for Animals just uncovered a horrific video documenting extreme abuse, neglect, and suffering at a California egg farm– the largest egg distributor in the Western US. The video was recorded with a hidden camera on an undercover investigation earlier in 2008, and is just one of many undercover accounts of cruelty going on at factory farms that have been surfacing across the country. More info in the LA Times article.

Attention Carnivores & Vegetarians! Abuse in the egg and milk industry is something worth your consideration. I have been a vegetarian for 10 years, but little did I know, I was still supporting some of the worst abuse in the industry.  I have recently become aware that the production of eggs & milk causes as much (and in many cases more) suffering than the production of meat itself. This awareness nauseates me, because I have been have been supporting and paying this industry my whole life, even as a vegetarian.

It’s time for a change. It’s time for a change in meat production operations, but considering that can’t happen quickly enough, it’s time for a personal change–one that I have complete control over and one that can be immediate–it’s time for me to change my consumption habits and to embrace a vegan lifestyle.  It is my time to stop eating the products that have been made from or pumped ouf of animals that never had a chance to enjoy a moment without suffering or a moment of freedom.

Want to help without changing your diet? Certainly possible! Erik Marcus ( is fronting an effort to require surveillance cameras in slaughterhouses (SlaughterCam’s). This would be an easy, inexpensive, and reliable way to insure accountability in slaughterhouses. Support this effort by signing the petition and join the Facebook group!

1 Comment

  1. Mr. Sustainable said,

    Since we can’t convert everyone to veganism overnight, it’s important that we also continue to press home to government officials the importance of proper enforcement of slaughter laws AND funding of agricultural budgets for snap inspections.

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