Oprah Winfrey Goes Vegan!

May 20, 2008 at 8:17 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Unbelievable. Oprah is going vegan for a 21-day cleanse!  Way to GO Oprah!!

This is definitely the biggest vegan-oriented news of the year, and quite possibly the decade.” –vegan.comThe Cattlemen and dairy folks must be crapping their knickers right about now.” -Erik Marcus

According to Oprah, so far so good! In her blog she wrote: “So this first day wasn’t hard at all. For breakfast, I had steel-cut oatmeal with fresh blueberries, strawberries, chopped walnuts and a splash of soy milk and some agave nectar. For lunch, chunky mushroom soup with wild rice and pecans. As a snack, a handful of roasted almonds. And for dinner, a baked potato drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper with a salad of shredded lettuce, cranberries, pine nuts and tiny orange slices with a vinegar and oil dressing.” Mmmm…doesn’t sound too bad to me! In fact, sounds delicious!

Move over Milk… your century in the spotlight is over. You are gross, hormone-y, and meant for baby cows! I think my point is expressed nicely here: 

Did you know humans are the only species to drink milk past babyhood and moreover to drink the milk of another species?  Yeah. “Weirdo’s” is a definite understatement.

Got Milk?

Got Vegan? 

Veganism. It does the body good.

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